I wasn’t planning on publishing today, but this idea came to me yesterday and I was inspired to roll with it.
I’m curious about your reading life. Was 2024 a fulfilling reading year? How come? Or perhaps you didn’t read as much as you wanted to? What stood in your way?
I’m less interested in specific books and more curious about the rhythms of your reading.
For me, this year sort of clarified my own reading tastes. While I certainly enjoy the occasional contemporary novel (James! Demon Copperhead!), most of the pleasure found in my fictional reading this year came from classics. And on the non-fiction side, I affirmed that I largely enjoy more modern stuff.
That said, I still get sucked into the book marketing machine more than I’d like to. Most of my DNFs this year were books that were sent to me by publicists and/or authors. It’s not always a bad thing, but my own personality is such that I feel too much obligation to read and cover these books. Authors work so hard to put a book out, but the reality is that I just get too many emails and too many books in my mailbox (a handful a week!).
My reading is always most satisfying when I’m fully choosing what to read next rather than working off an obligation list.
Here’s to keeping that top of mind in 2025.
Your turn: tell us about what went well or poorly for your reading life in 2024 and what you hope changes or stays the same in 2025.
Jeremy, this was a banner year for me, not in numbers but in the maturation of my reading habits. I began to really understand what appealed to me and what didn't. I gave myself permission to DNF quite a few books, which is new for me. I also spent a lot more time with non-fiction than I have in the past. My book journaling kicked up a notch as well.
Of course, I also found that writing about books and talking about them with others is a great joy, one I look forward to continuing in the coming year.
As of last night I made it to 48 books. The goal is always 60 but it’s all gravy. This year I decided to take my physical health more seriously and as such , more walks less reading. I think in November and December I found a good balance of it.