These Are a Few of My Favorite Links: 06/07/22
Every other week, I send an email that solely features great links for you to peruse throughout the week and weekend. Enjoy!
“How does a comedy outsider make sense of Norm Macdonald?” — I recently discovered Malcolm Gladwell’s newsletter and have been slowly perusing the archives. This piece about the late Norm Macdonald, who Gladwell never found funny, is really good.
Fiasco: The AIDS Crisis — Fiasco is one of my favorite podcast series (Leon Nayfakh, original voice of Slow Burn, has a perfect radio voice) and this newest season is perhaps my favorite. It perfectly complemented my reading of The Great Believers earlier this year, which sparked an interest in the subject.
“Future of Friendship” — I quite enjoyed this episode of Chris Hayes’ podcast. Among other things, the vital importance of deep friendship is something I’ve thought more and more about as our new post-pandemic world takes shape. (Not that we’re fully “post”-pandemic; maybe peri-pandemic is the better term?)
Always Sunny Podcast — Okay, I’m going podcast-heavy with this week’s list. I know I’ve slung this podcast before, but I’m going to do it again because every week I’m so impressed with it, while also laughing out loud every few minutes. As humans, Rob, Charlie, and Glenn are polar opposites of the despicably hilarious characters they play on TV. They share a deep, meaningful friendship and they have an incredible appreciation and seriousness for their craft of comedy and show-making. I genuinely look forward to watching the podcast on YouTube on Monday mornings (seeing them interact his hilarious).
“Why Is Every Cookbook a Memoir Now?” — I’ve asked this question so many times in the last few years, mostly about recipe websites, which inevitably include cheesy stories about every dish. Bon Appetit explores the phenomenon from a deeper perspective.
My New Apple Watch Band — Both the default Watch strap and a new “rugged” strap I had been trying rubbed against my wrist in an unpleasant and uncomfortable way. I finally landed on this metal band, which is surprisingly nice given the price tag, and hasn’t bothered my skin at all.
That’s all for me this week! Thanks for the support ya’ll. I deeply appreciate the time and inbox space.