These Are a Few of My Favorite Links: 05/10/22
Every other week, I send an email that solely features great links for you to peruse throughout the week and weekend. Enjoy!
“Devouring the Rainforest” — I’ve thought about this incredible multimedia piece of reporting a lot in the last week. The pandemic years have been terrible for the Amazon Rainforest, led, in large part, by beef-producing companies. Our household is gonna experiment with going beefless for a while (with exceptions for locally-grown beef). It won’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things, but it’s something? (Washington Post)
“How Serena Williams Saved Her Own Life” — This is such a good piece. Black women are nearly three times more likely to die after childbirth than white women. Serena Williams was almost one of them. Here, in her own words, she tells her story. (Elle)
“The 9 Biggest Myths About Nonfiction Publishing, Debunked” — Publishing a book is harder and less financially beneficial to authors than ever before. This is a great piece that outlines what the process looks like here in the 2020s. (Summer Brennan)
My Favorite Shorts — I don’t often wear shorts, but when I do, it’s usually Birddogs. Super comfortable and insanely durable — they’ve held up through countless miles of running and innumerable hours of yardwork. I’ve had three pairs for over five years now and there’s nary a sign of wear and tear. They seem expensive for what they are, but they’re totally worth it.
“New Details Underscore House G.O.P. Role in Jan. 6 Planning” — I don’t often share straight news. There have been so many newsy items about the January 6 insurrection that I rarely click on ‘em anymore and have mostly become numb to new revelations. But these details that have emerged in recent weeks are perhaps the most damning yet and it’s insane to me that our political system would allow Donald Trump to run for president again. Give it a read. (NYT)
“Her Novel Was Pulled for Plagiarism. Her Explanation Was, Too.” — This one was especially interesting to me because I tried to read the original explanation on LitHub. When I clicked through on Monday morning, though, the piece was gone. I was rather curious and then very glad to find this explanation in the NYT this morning. Fascinating. (NYT)
Thanks so much for reading. I appreciate the time and inbox space!