Every other week, I send an email that solely features great links for you to peruse throughout the week and weekend. Enjoy!
“The Olympics Have an Integrity Problem” — David Epstein’s newsletter is a must-read for me. His most recent piece is spot-on in covering why these winter Olympics aren’t as fun to watch. There’s also some ideas on how to fix it. Good stuff.
“This Is Going to Change the World” — Why the Segway didn’t change the world. Fascinating piece.
“How to Overcome ‘Productivity Dysmorphia’” — You have accomplished far more than you think. Capitalism, by its very nature, requires increased productivity, year after year after year. That’s just not possible for humans, so don’t get sucked into the productivity trap that begs for more.
“Why you (probably) won’t finish reading this story” — Johann Hari’s upcoming book, Stolen Focus, is one of the most important books I’ve read in the last few years. Humanity’s attention crisis is just that . . . a real crisis. To get an idea of what the book is about, listen to this podcast episode from Vox.
My favorite tea — After a slow start, winter is making itself known here in Colorado. More days than not, you can find me at my desk with a cup of this tea (between coffees). I even use it as the special ingredient in my homemade vanilla simple syrup. (Shh!)
“The adorable love story behind Wikipedia’s ‘high five’ photos” — Finally, a story about the internet that warms your freakin heart instead of sending you into a black hole of depression about the state of our world. This is such a delight to read.
Thanks so much for subscribing! Got any good links? Shoot ‘em my way.
It's interesting that although Segway failed as a product, it might just get a second chance: I noticed that Wirecutter just rated their SCOOTERS as the best out there. Will their advanced technology give them an advantage on the emerging scooter market? Time will tell!