Happy New Year, readers!
A new year means a fresh sheet in your reading log — I love seeing the blank slate and imagining how it will come to be filled over the next 366 days. (That extra day this year = an extra day of reading!)
I’m particularly excited to dig deeply into a few specific authors — the books of John Steinbeck, Willa Cather, and Barbara Kingsolver have entranced me enough that I’d love to go all in on their works.

I don’t necessarily have specific plans or goals, but reading more of their books is high on my list.
What about you? Are there books, authors, or genres you’re especially excited to read in 2024? Let us know in the comments!
Like many others, my reading focus this year will be less amount quantity and more about substance. I may re-read old favorites instead of rushing to read the newest buzzy book. I may linger with one book longer than anticipated and let the author’s words permeate deeper than they otherwise would.
I am on a mission I am calling #TBRTakedown I have such a backlog of books I have bought but never read. This past year I counted my books and categorized read and unread. Currently I have read 127/344 (37%). My goal is to get to at least 50% read by the end of the year, with no additional purchases until then. Wish me luck! (and you can follow along as I'm hoping to document this on my substack lol)