What I'm Reading (No. 8): C. S. Lewis and a legendary storm chaser
The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis
This review has been archived at readmorebooks.blog.
The Man Who Caught the Storm by Brantley Hargrove
This review has been archived at readmorebooks.blog.
Bookish Notes
Next week I'll share a book that I first read 2.5 years ago during middle-of-the-night wakings with my newborn son. It devastated me in the best way, and it's one of the only times I've legitimately bawled at the end of a book. I'm reading it again now when holding my newborn daughter, and it's just as good, if not even better. It has firmly entrenched itself into my top 5 favorite books of all time, and is one I already know I'll read again every few years. Can't wait to tell you all about it.
Also next week I'll do a giveaway; haven't decided which book yet, but it'll be a good one, so stay tuned.
I read about half of The Searchers (352 pgs, 1954) over the last couple weeks, and had to put it on hiatus, not for lack of interest or quality necessarily, just time, and having a few other things I was more interested in finishing. Give it a read if you want an entertaining, no-frills Western to read.
Thanks for reading, and let me know what you're reading this week.