Feb 8, 2022Liked by Jeremy Anderberg

Loved this; I've been using Goodreads but it definitely has some limitations. Was curious to hear your take on Great Circle (noted as DNF) -- in general it'd be interesting to get your take on your DNFs, how you decide to stop/move on, but I am about a quarter into GC and wanted to hear your take

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I quit GC specifically just because the characters weren't really resonating with me and the story wasn't pulling me in quite quickly enough to stick with a 600 page book. I love the premise, but it was just wasn't doin it for me.

As for DNF-ing in general, if I find that after 75-100 pages, I'm not excited to keep reading it, I'll put it down. Even "boring" or difficult books can be exciting in that they provide new information or tell a great story even if it's a little dense. But if picking it up ever becomes a true chore, I'm better off DNF-ing . . . and in some cases I can tell that I might enjoy it in a few months or years and it just didn't grab in that very moment. It's not a real scientific approach, but it works for me.

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I don’t know if you know my name by now but I have to say that this post made me need to comment how glad I am that I found your newsletter. I really appreciate it and your words speak to a place in me that is so important to both my identity (I am one who reads) and who I want to be (I am one who contains wisdom and depth because I’ve wrestled with subjects complex). I’m paying for the big read again because you’re a uniquely suited human to chart this course and I’m greatful to ride along.

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Thanks so much, Jason! I really appreciate it.

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As I mentioned before, I break my writing into three categories: scholar, writer, teacher. When I finish a book I categorize it under one of the categories, write the title, author, pages, and date completed.

I write all this info in a small, leather bound journal I bought years ago in Florence, Italy. My hope is that one day when my grandchild (or even great-great grandchild) asks what kind a man I was, the response will be, “well, this is what he read. Start here.” 😉

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