I think Jane Austen’s best books are Persuasion and Emma, both well worth reading. And don’t forget the Bronte sisters! I read Anne Bronte’s novel The Tenant of Wildfell Hall recently, and thought it very good. Charlotte is best known for Jane Eyre, but I read her subsequent novel Shirley earlier this year. Very different from Jane Eyre, but excellent in its own way.

By the way (small plug here) all of the above books are available as beautifully formatted, free ebooks from Standard Ebooks (standardebooks.org). I’m a volunteer producer for them.

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Wonderful — thanks for the input, David!

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Oh, and also don’t forget probably the best female writer of the period, George Eliot (the pen name of Mary Anne Evans). Her masterpiece is Middlemarch, but Daniel Deronda is also very good.

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I set out at the beginning of the year to read certain books, but the new books always catch my eye. I wish I had your willpower.

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Ha, my willpower was tested a bit more when I went through a bio of each president. This seems easy by comparison. :) To each their own, though — that's the beauty of books!

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