We joke that my audible library is an archive of my hobbies & fixations over the last 12 or so years. I can scroll down and see that, for example, I listened to lots of addiction memoirs in 2011; endured a regrettable boss-babe leadership stint around 2015; limped through uninspired 2020 dem presidential candidate memoirs in 2019. Any time I come across a cluster of parenting books in the library, I know at least one of my kids was going through A Phase.
A lot of the time, my interest lead me to the books, but it’s also often a symbiotic relationship. A book about wellness grifts wil reference a related book about the psychology behind fad diets which mentions... etc.
I love tor’s newsletter, so many gems. A Gentleman in Moscow and Rules of Civility had me wanting to learn appropriate drink pairings and cocktails, but I never jumped in. Still time, I suppose. If only i had a book on cocktails written by a trusted friend...
I’ve not ever developed a hobby from what I have read. But there are many times cultural references and places will interest me to the point I will stop and investigate. Part of my ADD/ focused reader DNA. I found music this way, as an example Willie and Lobo from a book I can’t remember the name of. Dan Brown books are good for travel logs. One summer my family did our own “Da Vinci Code” follow the trail in Paris. Last summer I had a meal in Pompeii that changed the way I look at olive oil. So, I read a few articles on the subject which mentioned a book “Extra Virginity” which I purchased at the library used book sale. I’ve done a fair amount of research and tastings on the subject. As an example of my add/focus, when I read Hamilton and I spent a lot of time researching people, places and documents listed in the book. That read took me almost a month to finish. Oh and Hamilton sent me on a genealogy research path and some of the references could be distant relations. So far nothing on that topic.
We joke that my audible library is an archive of my hobbies & fixations over the last 12 or so years. I can scroll down and see that, for example, I listened to lots of addiction memoirs in 2011; endured a regrettable boss-babe leadership stint around 2015; limped through uninspired 2020 dem presidential candidate memoirs in 2019. Any time I come across a cluster of parenting books in the library, I know at least one of my kids was going through A Phase.
A lot of the time, my interest lead me to the books, but it’s also often a symbiotic relationship. A book about wellness grifts wil reference a related book about the psychology behind fad diets which mentions... etc.
"it’s also often a symbiotic relationship" → So. True.
A mix bag,sometimes I look to books to spark a new project other times to help me grow my knitting,crocheting and cooking.
I love tor’s newsletter, so many gems. A Gentleman in Moscow and Rules of Civility had me wanting to learn appropriate drink pairings and cocktails, but I never jumped in. Still time, I suppose. If only i had a book on cocktails written by a trusted friend...
I’ve not ever developed a hobby from what I have read. But there are many times cultural references and places will interest me to the point I will stop and investigate. Part of my ADD/ focused reader DNA. I found music this way, as an example Willie and Lobo from a book I can’t remember the name of. Dan Brown books are good for travel logs. One summer my family did our own “Da Vinci Code” follow the trail in Paris. Last summer I had a meal in Pompeii that changed the way I look at olive oil. So, I read a few articles on the subject which mentioned a book “Extra Virginity” which I purchased at the library used book sale. I’ve done a fair amount of research and tastings on the subject. As an example of my add/focus, when I read Hamilton and I spent a lot of time researching people, places and documents listed in the book. That read took me almost a month to finish. Oh and Hamilton sent me on a genealogy research path and some of the references could be distant relations. So far nothing on that topic.