I'm also a fan of Dune! Funnily enough, it made ZERO sense to me when I first read it ten years ago, mostly because I had completely missed the part about spice being a sort of drug. Turns out, that's fairly crucial to, you know, the whole plot... I read it again after watching the most recent movie (side note: Hans Zimmer is a legend), and I found it helped the story make a lot more sense. There are so many characters and subtly moving parts that seeing the movie helped me build a better mental framework around the novel.

I have personally found Asimov to be fresh even today, but maybe that's because he was my first true science fiction love. The creativity of that whole series - what a beautiful embarrassment of riches...

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“The creativity of that whole series..” -> which series are you referring to Renee?

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Ah yes, he wrote several. Foundation was the one I had in mind, especially the later books of Foundation’s Edge and Foundation and Earth.

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Thanks! I need to re read book one and then the rest of them. And watch the show.

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Of course! I really enjoyed getting into the later books. I thought the show veered off from the original storyline quite a bit, but it was still good in and of itself. As long as you're not too much of a purist, you should hopefully enjoy both.

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Sometimes letting go and not being a purist is the only way to enjoy it. Thanks for getting me excited about this!

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Jeremy Anderberg

I read Dune decades ago but think about it all the time, especially now, as our water supply is threatened. You are exactly right: it continues to work because of the focus on people who must adapt and overcome fear..

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Speaking of feminism, Fury Road is so awesomely feminist! I finally got Jenny to watch it - she was a bit turned off by some of the early visuals and thought it was just a big dumb action movie - and she loved it. It’s thrilling and empowering and shows how men and women can be allies and help each other succeed. Furiosa is one of the best protagonists. One of my all time favorite movies and I’m glad there’s a book to pair it with! Thanks Jeremy.

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I'm so glad to hear you say this - I haven't seen any of the Mad Max movies, so I completely sympathize with Jenny. My husband is the movie watcher while I'm the book reader. However, I just made a list today of all the most famous sci fi movies and correlated them to books. I'm mulling over a couples adventure where I read the books, and then he and I watch the movies together (if they're not too scary) and discuss. Mad Max was high on the list, so maybe I'll be brave enough to give it a go!

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Dune is one of my favorite books ever and I'm happy you enjoyed it so much.

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Hell yeah to Dune being a Big Read for next year! I will definitely hop on that. Dune is my all-time favorite book. I feel like I find something new with each reading, and the sequels are so wild and weird, too.

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