I knew you’d get to 300, never doubted for a second.

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Are this tender land and ordinary grace the other two standalones of Krueger's? I just read ordinary grace and loved it.

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Yup! Ordinary Grace is probably my favorite of WKK's.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jeremy Anderberg

Thank you for the recommendations.

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Absolutely loved William Kent Krueger's This Tender Land... Been meaning to read more of his stuff. Thanks for the review!

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I forgot about Roadwork! Even the title and cover seemed unfamiliar until you explained the plot—and then I remembered being intrigued by King’s deep portrait of that aggrieved character. I must have read it decades ago. Thanks for that, and the Krueger rec!

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Have long looked forward to checking my inbox each Friday morning to read these. Congrats on 300, Jeremy! Looking forward to many more in the future!

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Congratulations on 300! Love of books or not, you've done a lot of hard work to produce these. I am grateful for them each week. We recently got the Krueger book for our Book of the Month pick. I'm going to move it up in the queue now.

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